Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Six Ways of Looking at a Snowflake

This week, inspired by Wallace Stevens' Thirteeen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, we wrote about different ways to see a snowflake.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.   A  snowflake  reminds  me of a new made snowman.                                                                                   
2.  A  snowflake also reminds me of my kitten.                                                                                                           
3.  A snowflake reminds me of   ice-cream.                                                                                                                          
4.  A snowflake reminds me of a snowball   fight.                                                                                                  
5.  A snowflake reminds me of milk.                                                                                                                              
6.  A   snowflake reminds  me  of  Charlie Brown.        

By Jon-Luke:

1.       All I remember is playing a game with my friends Mathew and John.

2.       It reminds me of Mr. frosty the ice cream truck that comes to my block.

3.       It reminds me of Frosty the Snow Man that sings.

4.       It reminds me hot cocoa.

5.       It reminds me Christmas and how I get presents.

6.       It reminds me how I play in the snow

By Ms. India:

The porcelain friend that disappears,
The sharp bite of the cold keeps my vision clear.
I’ve had all of fall that I can take
So I sit anxiously, for the arrival of snowflakes.
Frostbitten windows and mountains of snow,
Dearest winter snowflakes, I wish you’d never go.

By Abdul:

Snowflakes snowflakes they get lower and they fall sometimes high they will come along
Snowflake please come along we will eat as you come along snowflakes snowflakes don’t cry
I’ll put in the snow please don’t if you do I might to help and I can’t because I’m sitting back
 Drinking some good old hot cocoa Santa says hoho. Thank you all.

By Shalia:

1.Snow,Snow come alive.
2.snowsnow come and fly in my world
3. snow is from a angel above.
4. snow is from the heavens above.
5. snowsnow who invited you to a christmas party
6. snow is love to me
7. snow come rise in Chinatown
8. snow is love to me
9.winter is fun to me so get your kids and come an play in the winter snow

By Samira:

What snow flakes mean to you?
Snow, snow, Christmas  coming along  snow, snow  let  the snow angel come along snow, snow, the snowman  coming  alive snow, snow  lets have a snowball fight snow, snow lets have some cocoa with some donuts  snow, snow, lets  have some fun snow, snow, have fun with friends and family

By Imani:

What a snow flake means to me is happiness
and love snow flakes they are very nice and pretty to me. I love the winter it is a nice very nice season . What I get to do in the winter is play and make snow angels and make snow men, with my friends that live on the block I also like to have  snow ball fights . Me and my friends come inside to have some hot cocoa and some cookies . So everyday me and my grandma and my friends go to Germantown Ave. And go ice skatin’. I take lessons I also have my own skates they are white with pink hearts on it. I LOVE THE WINTER AND IT IS VERY FUN.

By Elijah:

1.       The ice texture of the snowflake itself.
2.       The unique design that that every snowflake is different.
3.       The fun you can have with snowflakes.
4.       Snowflakes are just like life though the seasons
5.       You can make a lot of different things you can create with snowflakes
6.       Snow lets you stay in the house and drink hot choclate

By Devin C:

1. Snow,because it is white
and because it's a little cold
and just like a smoothie.

2. Reminds me of ice,
it's round
and a snowflake is round too.

3. My life is about making an igloo
because the igloo is just like snow
but it could turn into ice.

4. If you have a small one
then it's gonna go to melt
in the freezer.

5. When it snows and falls down
I like it when it falls down.
Then I am going to show it to everybody.
If somebody says "Snows don't fall down."
then I am going to prove it to them.

6. It reminds me of a freezer
be cause cold is coming out of it
every time you open it
then stuff is cold.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

We Are Grateful!

We Are Grateful!

We are grateful to be on the computer right now.
We are grateful for Ms. Jane.
We are grateful for our best friends.
We are grateful for our lives.
We are grateful to eat fruits and vegetables.
We are grateful for our abilities.
We are grateful not to be paralysed.
We are grateful for candy, okay?
(We need candy in our life.)
We are grateful to have Nikki Minaj on the Earth.
We are grateful for you.
We are grateful for books.
We are grateful for our brains.
We are grateful for being able to draw something.
David is grateful for his dad because even though he doesn't live with him right now, he is still in his life.
We are grateful for holidays.
We are grateful for nature.
We are grateful for education.
We are grateful to have games, games are very important to us.
We are grateful for a roof over our head and a hot meal in our stomachs every night.
Anthony is grateful for his gym teacher, Ms. Belman.
We are grateful for being healthy.
Imani is grateful for seeing Papoose because she is adorable.
Anthony is thankful for smelly shampoo.
We are grateful for having money.
We are thankful for parents loving us.
We are grateful for Batman and Spider Man and Superman and Wonder Woman.
We are grateful for being us.

by Queenie, Imani, Anthony, Tykita, and Ms. Jane

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daylight Savings Time Poems

With My Extra Hour, I Would Like To
by David F.
Go to the park
Go to the water park
Talk to Friends 
 Play mini golf
 Play football
Watch Videos
Play my mom’s phone
Look up videos

With My Extra Hour, I Would Like To
by Ms. Jane
Sleep and have fancy, glittery dreams
Go birdwatching and wave at orioles
Dance until the clock falls back.
Write in my notebook with multicolored pens.
Make fluffy quilts for extra sleeping.
Sing along to silly songs on the radio
Wash the dishes until they sparkle
Go for a walk im the autumn woods
Pet my cats and make them happy
With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Rasheeda M.
I would like to do cheerleading
I would like to go to the park
I would get a snack
I would play with my little brother
I would go to a water park
I would talk to my friends on the phone

With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Anthony J.
Go to my mom’s house
Go to CoCo Keys
Go to Chuck E Cheeses
Play with the Wii
Ride my bike
Play with my toys
Like to play in the park
Like to play with my friends
Like to play with my computer
Like to play with my transformers action toys.

With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Alex W.
Stay up later
Stay outside more
Enjoy nature
Have fun and walk dog
Play with my toys
Get some exercise and have an extra meal.

With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Ahmere
I will like to play games
Watch TV
Write my Christmas list
Get a dog
Get a snake
Play with my pets
Get Angry Birds
Call my dad
Get a TV

With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Havanita
Kindergarten games
First grade games
Make lines

With My Extra Hour I Would Like To
by Mohamed
Play video games
I would love to play football
I would love to sleep
Get on the computer
Read nice books
To stare at the sun
To have a picnic in the park
Do my homework
Hang out with my friends
These are the things I would so with my extra hour

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monsters Can Be Beautiful

Monsters Can Be Beautiful

Monsters can be beautiful because some monsters are hateful and some are nice!
Some monsters can be nice and helpful and kind and handsome and nice.
Some nice monsters can be nice because they can be creative or happy.
Some monsters can be drawing and some monsters can be scary!
Scary monsters might scare you and hurt you and make you scream and cry.
Some scary monsters can not be hurtful and some can be nice and a little bit creative.
Nice monsters are cute, beautiful and some will help you learn how to read and
make you paint and learn how to write on the computer!

Some monsters can be slimy and yucky.
They can throw yucky mud.
Be careful, because they can throw mud at you!

Some beautiful monsters can read books and be smart
and learn how to sing and learn how to dance
and got a phone.
Some beautiful monsters can play at the library
and draw on boards.

Some monsters are beautiful because
they come to the computer lab and wait for the monster
teacher to come and tell them what to do.

A monster can beautiful by the ways it can scare.
It can be creative in how scary it looks.
A monster can be beautful by
being pink or orange or purple or blue or black
or gray or red or white or green.

A monster could be beautiful because
you could make it have earrings.
They can get get dressed up as Michael Jackson!

By Symphony, Mahammod, David, and Aziz


Thursday, October 6, 2011

From The Animals' Point of View

By Rougie

My name is princess and I’m a chihuahua.
I’m pretty and my favorite place to go is Wawa.
I can do many tricks,
and I get to pick.
My owners very sweet,
unlike the veggie beet.
I have a best friend ,
and her name is Slend.

Great White Shark Poem
by Qadir N.M.
My name is GWS Jr.
And I’m a shark
I swim all day
In my underwater park
Seal is great
Just like me
I’m the fastest
I’m the toughest
Shark in the big sea
With teeth like these
I’m the monster you should flee
Cause I’m a great white shark
You better fear me.

By Rasheen
Wasup My name is  Sheen and I am a horse I run so fast nobody can't catch me I eat grass and hay I am nice i like to run a lot people call me speedy because i am so fast and if you get in my way i willrun you over.

By Anonymous
My name is dog i help people.I help them cross the streets.

By Aissata
Hi my name is red the cat . I like  to use  my litter box to clean  myself.
And I love to play with my toy called  candy  she is one big dog.

By David
My name is cat. I like to play with mice it is so fun

By Kayla

Hi my name is Kayla and I’m a cat and the thing that I eat is cat food. When I go to the bathroom I go to the litter box. When we clean our selfs I think it’s nasty.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Peace Is...

Peace is love, caring, quiet, beautiful, romantic, soft spoken, soft, lovable, careful, treated fairly, helpful, sweet, pretty.

Peace is in the movies or in the playground, people want you to help them.
I play with friends.

Hope is like peace because you give more hope for one another.

Peacefulness is when you treat others the way you want to be treated:
if you don't want them to be mean to you, you don't be mean to them.

You care about somebody else and you play with somebody.

If they don't have any homes, I take them home.

Take a family tree and write "hopeful," "joy" "a peace world" and "peaceful birds."

Peace is inside you when you make yourself calm.
No one can make you unpeaceful inside.

If people are sick and have no place, I take them to my house.