Thursday, January 26, 2017

We Stand Up for Women of Color!

By: Mekhi

Women need to be treated fairly like every Man in our country. Everybody is the same no matter the GENDER you are the same in our country because women is treated unfairly because of  Trump because he said things to harm women but I think Women need to march to get to be fairly treated.
Women in our country deserve more than our Man in this country Donald J Trump is not for our country and women is a calm Women.  Women was harmed and they don’t deserve that

My love towards Women

I see women fighting and pushing towards tomorrow
But as the men and sons they die they have to always to have sorrow

I will make a better difference because they can’t
Become slaves just like before the chance to read
We never got to make a chance for tomorrow

There are some who can make super heroines
Like these 5
Wonder Women, Rogue, Super Girl, Batgirl, and Ms. Marvel

This is what women are all about they are strong and independent
They will make better changes for our kids and make life matter

This is what can make a better tomorrow
For women and little girls
Show love and peace for your women because they will be gone in a flash

This is towards the women I love and always make different change by telling them
I love them very much

This is from Matt Pierre from New York City, NY 

Why color doesn’t matter for us ladies!!
By: Tamaira Lewis
Women don’t care about their color.

We women want to stand up

Always will stand up.

We have luck to keep us up.

Women don’t need to be abused by others.

It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Dominican, Hispanic, Asian-American, or Native- American

We should love each other in any way

And I love u to………………

The women of the world can stand!
By: Saphir Watkins
We can stand up for women of color because we all will strive to get to get all that is equal and for human kind.

Men are usually cherished for their accomplishments but what about women?

I am not saying that women should be cherished every day but they should be able to get the rights that they deserve.

We should cherish women because they give life to us all.

They should be equal to us all because we are all human.

Women of Color’s Rights
By: Rasir
Women freedom are very important to people
Women created us and made us
They gave birth to all men and women
They are the future for babies
Women is the phoenix of the universe
I love women because they are important to me
They show us the right way
I hate Donald Trump because he treats woman like trash
He thinks women are monkeys
He does not treat the women like amazing people
I will stand up for women and their rights

Men should treat them way better


By: Ashley Scott

I support woman of color’s march for rights because we should get more respect.

We’ve waited day and night for men and that should change NOW .

We should get just as much respect as men.

Every time I’m in class my teacher says man-made, and I’ve always wondered why, but now I know.

I think it should be human-made not man-made.

Colored woman like Harriet Tubman (whose real name is Arminta, Minty for short) who helped slaves escape from the South to get to the North. Some of the slaves did not go, but she knew she had the right so she helped herself get that right.

I thought I was loved. I am, but not as much as men.


Women of Color
Growing up suppressed, being told that doing something “like a girl” is a weakness, not a strength
Growing up obsessed, with the idea of skinny
Growing up depressed, because you’re not skinny
Growing up distressed, worrying who the next attacker will be and when it will occur
Growing up overdressed, in order to avoid the poisonous words, yet then being told you should “take care of yourself more”
Growing up unaddressed, because there was a white man who did it too and “better”
Stop it. Stop enforcing these thoughts and stop continuing this ugly tradition. Instead
Grow up addressed, and let your presence be known
Grow up caressed, with the love from family and friends
Grow up confessed, admitting that yes, indeed, you did well
Grow up blessed, knowing that you have the same capability and potential as any white woman and white man

Grow up to be a history maker

We Stand Up for Women of Color!
By Adam R.
BLACK Ladies should be treated like white        ladies  
They should be treated like black ladies
They look different from the outside and  same from the inside
Same with Muslim ladies 
Everyone is a person 

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