Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy 2012 Posters and Resolutions!

My New Year's Resolutions

Nazir W

I would play fun and new games for the New Year.
Sometimes I go to the park or ride my bike.
Every New Year I play newgames and learn new things.
Amir and Jabari and I go to my Dad's house.
I would go on a long hike.
I would play with my brothers more.
I should learn more about arts.
I think Jabari should stop being mean.
I should learn more about music.
Should I be a fast person?

My New Year’s Resolutions

by Justin M.

I will get outside more.
I will get better at basketball.
I will learn more on my free time.
I will learn more about art.
I will travel more.
I will see more of my family.
I will read on my own time.
I will listen to what others are saying.
I will study school assignments.
I will appreciate small or big things people do for me.

My New Year's Resolutions
by-Imani W.
I will hang out with my friends
I will read books
I will go to the library
I will eat pizza
I will go to the mall
I will talk on the phone
I will play on the computer
I will ride my bike
I will eat cookies and other sweet things like that
and I will do what a 11 year old girl is supposed to do
and I will have even more fun
My New Year's Resolutions
by Jon-Luke P.

I will go to my friends house more often.
I will get on the computer.
I will play my Wii more often.
I will watch TV more often.
I will go to the park.
I will go outside more often.
I will talk on the phone more often.
I will play catch with the football.
I will read books more often.
I will ride my bike more.

My New Year’s Resolutions

By Amir W.

I will play games like Need for Speed, Wii Sports, Mario, Wii Play,
and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
I will stop my dad from taking my toys.
I will ask my mom if I can go to my uncle’s house. He has Sonic Colors.
I will watch TV.
I will play around in the park.
I will play with my friends.
I will run around.
I will play jump rope.
I will play soccer.
I will play basketball.
I will read books.

My New Year’s  Resolutions
by Ms. Jane
I will go dancing.
I will make new friends.
I will eat a lot of strawberries.
I will snuggle a lot.
I will learn new stuff.
I will have fun times with my students.
I will be brave and silly.
I will be openhearted.
I will call people up.
I will listen.


  1. Lovely! I may borrow a few of these great suggestions for the new year. Please thank your students for inspiration!
