Thursday, June 2, 2011

Imaginary Cities

These poems were inspired by making Imaginary Cites on the Tate Gallery's kids' site.

My Imaginary City
by Jabari

In my imaginary city, I live in a big castle. The things I love to do is make big speeches about life. I provide shelter for the poor in my spare rooms. The people are nice to have around always.

The air smells like fresh apples and new baked cookies fresh from the oven. When you want to change the smell, you change what you want it to be.

The people are very respectful to me. I am respectful to them back in the same manner.

The buildings are tall and stiff. They can hold a 1,000,000 pound plane.

When I leave my imaginary city, I feel sad for leaving my people who treated me so fairly.

By Lashae
In my imaginary city, I learn how to ice skate
because I don’t know how to really ice
skate but I can teach myself. Also
I can then know that I know how
to skate and I can teach others.

The air smells like fresh air. Fresh and clean not
old air and hot to breathe in. Air that
people will be able to sit down and
relax and breathe in and out fresh

The people are nice and friendly. They treat me
nice. Only because I made the
imaginary world. And because I can
kick them out if I want to.

There are no buildings. There are no
buildings because it is a place where
people can relax. Also to skate and
have fun with their friends and relax.

When I leave my imaginary city, I feel
happy because there’s really nothing
to do but also sad because I can
relax and don’t have o clean up or
anything because it’s nothing to
clean up.

By Rakiyah
In my imaginary city, I will be in the boat with
my best friend Kelsey. We will
go to Hollywood and Chicago
to shop for clothes.
The air smells like fresh flowers and fresh water
taste strawberries and smells.
The people are my maid she cleans up after me.
She is my butler and she is nice.

The buildings are nice and clean. And a lot of clothes
in my closet.

When I leave my imaginary city, I feel
sad because it smells like flowers
and fresh clean water.
By Nazir
In my imaginary city I would want to live there because
it would be fun to ride the bus to
a castle for school every day.

The air smells like I would think it’s peach or
regular scent or smell. They could
smell apples, orange or grape, pear or

The people are my brothers, mom, dad, my two sisters and
my friends. So they can relax like
you live in a mansion.

The buildings are there are two castles and three
sky scrapers the buildings are for
relaxing in peace.

When I leave my imaginary city, I feel
sad because it was fun to do things my way.
By Gueladio
In my imaginary city, I have an island, a house, a boat,
a train, train tracks, a pyramid, and a rock.

The air smells like beautiful roses, oranges, grapes
plums, and bananas.
The people work in buildings they are
so stinky because they
do not wash up.

The buildings are made out of gold, melted
solid gold. Everything is
so beautiful.

By Jabari R.
In my imaginary city, I will hire a bunch of guards
to protect the needy and I will give back to
my people and my kingdom.

The air smells like the air not being
polluted, air is really
clear and smoke.

The people are kind hearted, nice.
My people will help
anyone in need,
even our enemies.

The buildings are nice. When a tornado
or earthquake comes
a latch under the buildings will bring
them down so they won’t
get destroyed.

By Brianna
In my imaginary city, I am going on the airplane to
go and see my cousin Mia in
Disney World California.

The air smells like apple pie, cologne, and
other good smells. Also how it smells
that way by the people cook. Also
they know how to cook the
food is delicious.

The people are nice, kind, clean, beautiful, handsome.
People do clean and stuff.

The buildings are beautiful, big rooms, nice
backyards. Also how the rooms
and stuff get like that because
I created it.
When I leave my imaginary city, I feel
fabulous, talented, creative and just
me. People are going to miss me but I’ll be back to see
how they are taking care of it.

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